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Petition und Campaign „Justice in the case of Peter McBride“

Declaration regarding the stationing in Germany

of the two murderers of the Irishman Peter McBride

Background: In 1992 two British soldiers, Mark Wright and James Fisher, murdered the young Irishman Peter McBride. They shot him in the back. A few minutes beforehand Peter had been body searched, therefore the soldiers knew that he was unarmed. In 1995 they were found guilty of murder and sentenced to life in prison without reprieve by a civil court.

The campaign by parts of the British Army and the British media resulted in the two soldiers being released from prison on probation in 1998 after serving three years of their sentence by the then minister for Northern Ireland.

Despite international protests, and although their own guidelines stipulate this, the British Army refused to discharge the two murderers. This behaviour can only be described as anti-Irish racism in view of the fact that in the last ten years more than 2000 soldiers have been discharged from the army for offences of far less gravity.

Currently both soldiers are stationed with the Rhine Army in Germany

In view of the ongoing discussion regarding rightwing violence in our country, the unchallenged stationing of these two soldiers is a dangerous example of tolerance of racial hatred and violence.

We are protesting against the stationing of the two soldiers

with the British Rhine Army in Germany


We demand that the German Government and the German Foreign Ministry take a clear position against the stationing of the two soldiers in Germany and their presence in the British Army


We demand of the British Government that they end this intolerable

situation and that they instruct the British Army to discharge both murderers










Responsible: Dr. Ursula Grandel, Holzhaussiedlung 15, 84069 Schierling