Background Information

Click on the note CLICK to access the background information. It consists of an introduction, links to articles on the issue, features and comments.
The site is under construction.

The police force RUC / PSNI:
torture, systematical human rights violations and collusion with death squads

(last update: July, 21, 2002)

North of Ireland - from conflict towards a peaceful future?
A Picture Guide through Past and Presence.
- German language only -

(last update: March, 22, 2002)

Loyalist Pogroms against Irish Communities with Increasing Violence

(last update: May, 20, 2002)

2001 - 20. anniversary of the 1981 hungerstrikes
History and Relevance for Today

(last update: May, 19, 2002)

Orange Order and Orange Marches

(last update: May, 20, 2002)